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Sex Kitten: Mexico
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. . .the sequel to Sex Factory: Prison Break. - THE STORY SO FAR (I think) In the last sequence, our idiot hero (YOU!) Somehow broke out of a maximum security prison where you were imprisoned for your insane shenanigans. Nevertheless, your girlfriend, Slutty McSlut carried out a PMS-fueled rampage while you were zonked out on DMT (and most likely JD), and the end result was that YOU became the target of a nationwide manhunt. Therefore, you two make your way to Mexico, in an effort to break free from the ever-tightening noose of the Federal Rape-Me-in-the-Ass Bureau of Investigation. However, much to your chagrin, you find that McSlut has used your meager savings to get a fuckton of coke, and is currently quite high and prone to raping everything she sees (yes). So, once again, you must set out to earn enough currency, stuff and magic good to cross the border and run away to Mexico in another stupid and nonsensical Sex Kitten adventure! . Very good luck! -- I'd like to take a minute to thank everyone who's made this project leap alive from the development room, to your hands today. Programming: Yom Programming (much needed) help: Loliparpol. Art: Google search, Gelbooru and Yom. Extra art: Yom, Parpol, Dietcoke. Voice gift: Hanzo, Seika and Kurosaki Cameo assistance and advice: Fucklard, Rai-chan, Alice, OJJ and Loliparpol. Advice: Seika, Parpol, AFH and Hanzo. Foods: Shiya and Chaos That one stud who ate all our pringles: AFH. Last but not least, because of Klacid and TENT for letting me continue their work! . ... What, you're still here? Ah, go on and play this already! EDIT: Daily 4th place! . Thanks, everyone!